Choosing a school is a very important decision for parents. We would love to welcome you for a tour so that we can show you all that Nythe Primary School has to offer.
Contact the school office on 01793 524024 for further information to arrange your visit or email [email protected]

By law, a child does not have to start school until the term following their fifth birthday. However, most children start school in the September following their fourth birthday. Applications are managed to a national timetable and co-ordinated between local authorities across England. This means that parents must apply to the local authority where they live, even if applying for schools in another area.
Swindon Borough Council Primary School Places and Admissions
The closing date for applications is 15 January 2025.
All offers will be for a full time place, but if you would prefer your child to attend part-time or delay entry until later in the year, please contact the school direct to arrange this.
Deferred Admissions
Children born from the 1st April to the 31st August are known as Summer Born Children. Summer born children do not need to start school until the
September following their 5th birthday, a full academic year after they are first
entitled to a school place.
Delayed and Deferred Admissions Policy
Request for delayed admissions application form
Nythe Primary School is part of Excalibur Academies Trust, all admissions information including Nythe Primary School’s Admissions Policy can be found below.
Admission in other school years
Parents can make an application for Swindon school places at any time in the year. Known as an ‘In Year Application’ they are processed every 30 school days. Information on making an In Year Application can be found here
Secondary Transition
At the end of Year 6, children transfer to secondary school. Applications for a place at secondary school must be made through Swindon Borough Council in the autumn term of Year 6. The deadline for secondary school admissions will be midnight on 31 October 2024. Your child will bring home a form or you can apply online.
Transfer arrangements for our Year 6 pupils going to secondary school are sent to parents during the Spring Term prior to their children starting in September.