Times & Fees


On requesting a place for your child, you will be asked to complete a Nursery Induction Pack and parent contract.

Our Nursery Induction Pack provides Nythe Nursery with details about your child and of those who have parental responsibility and legal contact, together with details of those who have permission to collect your child from Nursery and of those who may be contacted in an emergency.

Our parent contract is a contract between Excalibur Academies Trust, who own and manage Nythe Nursery, and the parents or legal guardian (referred to as the parent) of a child that is enrolled at Nythe Nursery.

Session Times:

Morning Session 9:00am – 12:00 noon
Afternoon Session 12:00 noon – 3:00pm
All Day Session 9:00am – 3:00pm


Our current session fees are:

2-3 Year old child not eligible for the 2 year funding – £12.00 (3 hours session)

3-4 Year old child attending additional hours over their Government funding – £12.00 (3 hour session).

At the beginning of each term, an invoice will be issued to all children attending paid sessions, the invoice will detail the total amount due for that term.

Payment for invoices can be made online via our payment system.

We also accept payment via childcare vouchers (please speak to the office for more details).

Fees are due for the whole term, any days off due to sickness or holiday still require payment.

In the event of the nursery having to cancel sessions the nursery will give as much notice as possible and any adjustments to fees due will be made.

Free childcare for 3 to 4 year olds:

All 3 to 4 year olds in England can get 570 free hours per year. If this is taken in term time only it works out as 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year, but you can choose to how to use the hours.

Find out more-

Since September 2017, there is an additional 15 hours of free early education and childcare available for working parents for children aged 3 to 4 year olds. To check your eligibility, check here-


Free childcare and early education for two-year-olds:

Some 2 year olds are also eligible for 15 hours of free childcare. For more information, please follow the link to check you eligibility:


Late fees / Non-payment of fees:

If payment has not been received after two weeks of an invoice being issued, a reminder will be issued detailing the amount due and asking for prompt payment.

If payment still has not been received 7 days after the invoice reminder has been issued, then a second reminder will be issued.

If payment is still not received 7 days after the second reminder, then we will write to you to let you know your child has lost their place at the nursery.  (If a child is in receipt of the Government funding and their fees are for additional sessions then the additional sessions will be cancelled).

Nursery relies on prompt payment in order to be able to operate; if a parent continually makes late payments then they will be asked to pay in advance.

We appreciate that sometimes families may be having difficulties paying their child’s fees.  Please come and discuss this with the EYFS Lead Teacher or School Office to avoid your child’s place being cancelled.

Snack Fees:

We offer a healthy snack daily at nursery and try to vary this as much as possible.  In order for us to be able continue to offer this, we ask all parents whose child attends a morning session to pay a small contribution towards snack each term which is 25p per morning session.  This can be paid in the same way as fees (details above).  A reminder will be sent out through the term if payment has not been received.  Without this contribution from parents we would not be able to offer the variety of snacks that we currently offer.

Parents who supply an alternative healthy snack due to allergies will not be charged.

Late Collection of Child:

We do understand that there may be times when, for no fault of your own, your child is collected late from the nursery.  Please telephone the main school office to let us know that you are going to be late so that we can ensure your child is told and that staff arrangements can be made.

However, if late collection becomes frequent or there is no explanation for the late collection, we reserve the right to charge for each ten minutes your child is not collected.

Cancellation of Sessions:

Parents are required to give four weeks’ notice to nursery to cancel any of their child’s sessions, this relates to either paid sessions or sessions covered by your child’s Government funding.

If this notice period is not adhered to, then you are liable for any fees due for this notice period or if sessions are funded then this notice period will be claimed through your child’s funding, which will mean if your child is moving to another setting then they cannot claim the funding also and you will be liable to pay for the sessions.