Remote Learning – Years 1-6
Thank you for all of the hard work that you are putting in to supporting your children with their remote learning whilst they are at home. The feedback we have had from parents has been very positive about the use of Teams for home learning, and the teachers have been very impressed by the work that has been returned.
Assignments will be uploaded onto Teams at 8:30am each morning and will need to be completed on the day they are set. Children can type straight onto the worksheets, or can upload a photo of their work to the assignment. Please remember to click ‘Turn In’ once the assignment is completed so that the work is sent to teachers to mark.
There is also a chat function on Teams, which may be useful if you have any questions for the teachers to help children complete the work that has been set. All teachers are in class throughout the day, so will try to answer your question as quickly as they can.
Remote Learning – Reception
Each week, a home learning pack for Reception will be uploaded to the school website on this page.
Reception Home Learning Pack 01 March 2021
We know that it can be very difficult to teach phonics when you are unsure of the sounds, so we have uploaded some phonics videos of ourselves saying each sound, as well as some words that contain that sound.
Paper copies of the home learning pack are available for collection from the school office from 9:30am each Monday.
We would love to see some photos of the children completing their home learning activities. These can be sent to [email protected].
Live Assembly
To maintain the sense of community, that Nythe is so well known for during the school closures we will be holding a live whole school assembly via Teams at 2pm each Friday. All children from Reception to Year 6 are welcome to attend this assembly through their Teams accounts. An invite will be sent out each week; all the children need to do is go to the calendar in their Teams account and click ‘Join’ on the invite at 2pm – this will take them into the assembly. The children in school will also be participating in this assembly.
During the assembly, we would like to celebrate the children’s achievements. If there is something that you would like us to celebrate for your child (perhaps learning to tie their shoe laces or producing an excellent piece of writing), please email a short description of their achievement with their name and year group to [email protected].
We hope to see you all there!
Teams and O365 – Logging in
Microsoft Teams – Returning Assignments