The Nursery Day

Children will arrive in the morning at 9:00am and will be encouraged to put their items on their own peg, with adult support. They will then be allowed to go and explore what there is to play with in the classroom. The children will then gather for morning welcome. This will be the register, calendar and an activity related to the topic, such as a story.

Children will then be able to freely choose their own learning through play. They will be able to choose whether to play inside or out. Adults will observe children’s interests and play alongside them. During the morning, the children will be able stop for snack and chat, which is supported by an adult, giving the children the opportunity to learn how to become independent at feeding themselves and learning table manners.

Adult led activities, such as making and storytelling, will take place with all children. The children who are N2 (who will start school in the following September) will take part in small group Maths and Phonics sessions. The N1 children (2 and 3 year olds) will take part in Treasure Basket and Communication and Language activities. Story time will take place before children finish their sessions.

We will then say goodbye to the morning session children and welcome the afternoon children at midday; the afternoon session follows a similar routine to the morning. We end the day with a story time and to celebrate any accomplishments in the day.

Equipment and Clothing:

Children will only be able to bring essential items into school, such as lunch boxes, water bottles, hats, waterproof coat, change of clothes and labelled wellingtons. For their change of clothes, make sure they have socks, pants, top, trousers and a jumper. If your child is still in nappies, they will need to bring nappies, wipes and nappy cream if needed.

We ask that, if your child has a comforter or a dummy, these stay at home. No toys are allowed into Nursery from home.

Snack and Lunch:

Children are able to order a school dinner through the online system, for further information please speak to the office. Otherwise, you can provide your child with a packed lunch. For health and safety reasons, please ensure the lunchbox contains an ice pack in to keep your child’s lunch cool. We do have a few spare ice packs which we can put in if needed.

Please make sure that grapes are cut in half to prevent choking. We are also a nut-free school due to children with allergies. If your child develops an allergy, please tell the class teacher and update the office immediately. Please check the Packed Lunch Policy on the website for further information.

In the morning sessions, we provide a healthy snack of milk, water, fruit and another healthy option. If your child is unable to drink milk due to dietary or allergy needs, you are welcome to provide a milk alternative which can be stored in our fridge.

Children have access to cups and a jug of water all day, but to make it easier for them you can provide them with a water bottle. This bottle must only contain water and will be placed in the classroom somewhere they can access freely. Children can have juice/squash as a drink with their lunch only.